The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) is calling for nominations from all female volunteers to join the Women in Volunteer Emergency Services Forum.
The Forum will promote cultural change in relation to gender equality in emergency services volunteering. This is achieved through the provision of advice, advocacy and the creation of trusted relationships.
If you are a VFRS female firefighter passionate about issues affecting the participation of women in emergency services, we invite you to complete a nomination to be involved within making the volunteer journey more equitable for women.
The Forum supports the strategic direction of DFES by fostering sector-wide, evidence-based strategies to increase gender equality and in doing so, the sustainability of WA’s emergency services volunteer workforce, inclusive of all regions and all volunteer emergency services. Systemic issues raised at this group will be tabled at the quarterly Volunteer Sustainability Steering Committee for their information and, where required, action.
The collective membership will have a broad range of knowledge, skills and experience relevant to the group’s duties and responsibilities. The Forum will comprise of the following members:
Manager DFES Strategic Volunteer and Youth Programs (as the role of Chair and Secretariat) or a female member of the Strategic Volunteer and Youth Programs team if the Manager is not female.
Two female members each (with at least one per service from regional Western Australia):
Bush Fire Service
Volunteer Fire and Emergency Service
State Emergency Service
Marine Rescue WA
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services
Youth in Emergency Services
The group will meet up to four times annually. All members are expected to attend each meeting, in person or via phone or video options.
The agenda for group meetings is developed with input from the Volunteer Sustainability Steering Committee and members of the group.
Please visit the DFES Volunteer Hub for further details prior to downloading the nomination form.
Please email your nomination to executive@vfrs.asn.au and media@vfrs.asn.au for endorsement.
Nominations close Friday 20 October 2023.
More information
Contact the Manager DFES Strategic Volunteer and Youth Programs — Catharine Phillips.
Email: volunteering@dfes.wa.gov.au
Phone: 08 9395 9989