There are a variety of issues the VFRS Association are currently working on.
Some of these include:
Fleet Rotation
Chief Supers and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services’ (DFES) Commissioner have agreed in principle that the fleet rotation concept has merit.
Assistant Commissioner Delavale is waiting for Project Advisory Teams (PATS) to meet to decide upon which appliances stay and which will go.
Several UPT1 chassis are on order and will be delivered end of year. DFES are looking at options to replace the country Pumps.
Microsoft 365 Licences for all VFRS Members
Executive Director Stuart Walsh from DFES is looking into options for a way forward regarding domain names for email addresses because a common position needs to be reached before this progresses.
Executive Officer, Ken O’Reilly, is negotiating with DFES.
Station upgrades
The VFRS Association has been involved in numerous station upgrades and has successfully negotiated the station’s desired outcomes.
A smart sheet showing the brigade updates has been emailed to your Executive member . If you would like a copy please email Ken at executive@vfrs.asn.au.
If you are having issues with your station upgrade plans, please contact your zone representative in the first instance for assistance.
Emergency Driver Training Recognition of Current Competencies (EDT RCC)
A pilot program will go ahead with VFRS members put forward to be involved in the process.
Currently to be eligible, members must have:
DFES0470 On Road Driving qualification.
5 years operational driving experience.
Driven to five or more incidents under emergency conditions.
That latest feedback is that a circular has gone out to all brigades (it is available on the Department of Fire and Emergency Services Volunteer Hub). The process is a simple one that involves liaising with your captain and AO / DO to get the RCC process finalised.
Thermal Image Cameras (TICs)
New TICs have been delivered to some VFRS Brigades.
The install of the truck mounted charger will require consultation with VFRS members for a location because not all trucks will have the space in the Breathing Apparatus Locker so an alternate location will need to be found.
Do you have a question or would like additional information?
Please call our executive officer, Ken O'Reilly, or send him an email.