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VFRSA WA NEWS: March 2025

From the Executive Officer's Desk:


It’s now mid-March and the year seems to be moving very quickly. The start of the year saw the VFRS family farewell two pioneers and dedicated volunteers in Lester George from Margaret River VFRS and Glynne Jones from Northcliffe VFRS. I was privileged to be able to attend both funerals and got to catch up with many Brigade members. One of the resounding themes that came out of both Lester’s and Glynne’s funerals was that both men had an enduring dedication to see their community’s cared for and supported over many decades. The countless hours and days and nights both spent dedicating their time to their Brigades and in doing so set the foundations for future members to put compassion and passion into action. To Lester and Glynne and your families, we say thank you.

In the past two years I have managed to visit 79 Brigades, meet their members, and walk through their stations. This year I aim to visit the remaining Brigades I haven’t yet had the privilege of meeting.  It is by far the most enjoyable and inspiring part of my job when I get to come and meet you, see your world and listen to your stories, why you volunteer and are a part of something that has such a profound impact on communities.  When I visit Brigades, it allows me the opportunity to hear what hurdles you are facing in your volunteering and bring them to the Executive for discussion and also take them to DFES for their consideration and action.

Late in 2024 we signed off on our strategic plan to 2028, a copy of which is now available for you to view on our website. This plan will set our path for the next few years and assist us as an Association in making the decisions we need to ensure you are equipped and inspired to volunteer with VFRS. Our role is to focus on ensuring your welfare, safety and resourcing and advocating on your behalf to ensure you have what you need to fulfill your role within VFRS.

Through the executive meetings there have been some positions taken by the Association one important one being the Association believes that there should be 1 radio per seat for stations.  As per CFRS. A radio is a safety tool, and the Association believes that ever firefighter attending a call needs the ability to communicate.


PTSD presumptive coverage for volunteers

Those that know me well, know that this is an area I am particularly passionate about. The impact of trauma on communities is palpable, evident and life changing, it can last generations. As volunteers who form part of the community you are not immune to this trauma. In fact, as volunteers it is you who puts your hand up to attend on those days that impact our communities as first responders doing your best with your best. Sadly, in this form of volunteering, some days hurt, physically and emotionally. Some of these injuries are recent, some are from years gone by. Only last year I was speaking to a family member of a volunteer hurting from a call he attended in the 1980s. Fortunately, we were able to be the conduit for this volunteer to receive care from the Wellness department who have assisted with a care plan to help with the pain he is working through.  At the VFRSAWA we want you to be well, in every sense, and if you are not well, or have an injury, physical or mentally, we want you to have no hurdles sitting in the way of your treatment, and recovery. We continue to advocate for PTSI to come under the same legislation as the current presumptive cancer legislation. Again, through this time we ask that you continue to share your stories, and most importantly seek help if you need and look after each other.


HR Scholarships

In the past couple of weeks, we have notified the winners of the $1500 VFRSAWA HR scholarship proudly supported by a women’s religious organisation. This is another exciting initiative to see our volunteers receive transferrable vocational skills that can assist with Brigade capability and increase employability through the qualification. I would like to thank all those who applied, and those were not successful please apply again next year, we want to hear from you.

Finally, I would like to finish by saying thank you for how each of you contributes not only to your Brigades, but to your communities and the state of Western Australia and assure you that we as your Association will continue to work to see you supported, and inspired to continue your volunteer journey.  I look forward to seeing many of you at the 2025 Easter Championships in Bunbury. You are all welcome to come along, and we would love to see you all there.




Executive Officer

February Executive Meeting


The Executive Committee met on 1st Feb 2025. A lot of great work was achieved, including a number of items to be escalated to the Chief- Superintendants meeting. Issues discussed included:

  • Radio and equipment issues, including high season and replacement appliances not being appropriately equipped.

  • Heat stress/ dehydration of volunteers during high temp call outs.

  • Issues with accessing training courses.

  • Alcohol on stations, and what is expected of volunteers and brigades.

  • OEP review- what it may look like and mean for Brigades.

  • Annual State Easter Championships.


 If you have any issues you would like brought to the Executive please get in contact with your Zone Representatives. If you aren't sure who your Zone Rep is follow this link:


Geoff Landwehr's 70th Anniversary of Volunteering

Geoff Landwehr was recently celebrated for reaching his 70th year of volunteering. Geoff, a life member of the Association and of Armadale VFRS has made an incredible contribution to the firefighting community, with spent time on the VFRSA Executive and the competition grounds, as well as thousands of call outs to fires and RCRs. We commend Geoff for his inspiring volunteering, and thank him for his dedication. 


Annual State (Easter) Championships

This year the Annual State (Easter) Championships will be held in at the Bunbury Running Track, Hays Park, Bunbury on 19th & 20th April. A huge thank you to Bunbury VFRS for their support in hosting this year's event. Electronic Nomination forms have been sent out. Please ensure they are submitted by 28th March 2025. Also please note Brigades will not be able to accrue points unless their nomination fee has been paid. We can't wait to see you all down there!


2025 WAFES Awards Nominations

Nominations for the 2025 WAFES awards have been extended

For more information or to nominate head to Nominations close 9am 31st March 2025. 

We encourage volunteers to apply. The Association is happy to assist with nominations, if you require assistance please email


From the Admin and Social Media Support Officer:

  • Let the Association know if you are doing a recruitment drive! We're always happy to promote these on our website and social media platforms.

  • If you or your brigade have an interesting story or program you'd like to share get in touch! We love to hear about what our brigades and volunteers are doing!

  • When applying for a Life Membership please be aware the badges take approximately 6 weeks to be made, so factor that in to your annual dinner plans when applying.


In case you missed it:

  • Gyula Bogar AFSM (Boyup Brook VFRS) and Mike Johnston AFSM (Kwinana VFRS & Executive Committee Member) were awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal in the Australia Day Honors.

  • Grateful residents thank the Northam VFRS in the Northam Advertiser for their efforts in January.

  • Crew from the Metropolitan VFRS headed up to Dongara to provide cover so volunteers from Dongara VFRS could attend a thank you event.

  • Tim wasn't a total liability when filling in for a team at the recent Goldfields Picnic Demo, always good to see the EO joining in the fun!

  • The winners of the HR Licence Scholarship were announced, congrats to all!


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