Read our lastest newsletter here:

What's been happening at VFRSA WA:
The Association Executive Committee met on May 4th where multiple issues were discussed. Some of the ongoing issues discussed were:
Training concerns, these were address at the training forum.
The Association had the opportunity to be a part of the team giving feedback to DFES on the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Future Building brief.
This year the VFRS had 10 volunteers be nominated for the WAFES VFRS fire fighter of the year. An outstanding achievment by all. There were also multiple fire fighting team nominations from VFRS which was great to see.
Of ongoing concern and discussion was the PTSD Presumptive Legislation and our continuation as an Association to see this resolved and for our volunteers to have the same coverage as our paid counterparts.
As your Exective Officer Tim Sonsee has visited 38 bridages over this financial year.
Recent visits included Pingelly and Ravensthorpe. Pingelly VFRS have taken back ownership of their competition cart. They have organised for it to be restored and placed in the Pingelly museum. This will be a testament to the history of Volunteer Brigades in the region.
Lithium batteries, Brigades are asking for further information and training with these fires.
An excellent proposal was put forward from a Yanchep VFRS Brigade member in relation to IRIS in volunteer trucks.
A brief review was held for the Easter Championships that appeared to be a wonderful success. Congratulations to Kwinana VFRS for returning to competition after many years, and winning an operational event!!
SAVE THE DATE: The Captain's Development Forum is coming 2-3rd August in Perth. Further details will be forthcoming.
Tim Sonsee
Executive Officer

The 119th Easter State Firefighter Championships were held on March 30 and 31st at Bortolo Park in Mandurah and were a roaring success! Thanks to the Kwinana VFRSS for hosting this years event!
2024 saw 11 teams competing in 23 events with 5 new record times!
A quick overview of the results:
Overall aggregate winners were Mandurah and Harvey tied at 26 points, followed by South Kalgoorlie on 21 points.
Divions winners:
Operational: Mandurah 1
Dry Work: Harvey
Hose Practice: Harvey
Hose Practice and Reel: Harvey
Rhys Landwher of Harvey VFRS was named Champion Fire Fighter for 2024.
Carrissa Sutherland Scott of Kellerberrin VFRS was named Best Performing Female Firefighter for 2024.
Special mention to TK Kippins on her last State Champs run! We appreciate everything you've given to the competition, you will be missed.
A huge thank you goes out to all of our volunteers for the work they've put into making this an excellent weekend of competition!
Full results will be published on the VFRSA WA website.

Breathing Apparatus Refresher
Peter Sutton in conjuction with WAFES and Operations have extended the BA refresher expiry to October 31st 2024. Any BA qualified fire fighter having issues getting onto a refresher course please notify us immediately.
Captain's Development Forum
DFES in partnership with the VFRSA WA is facilitating a VFRS Captains Development Forum. We'll cover different skills around BGU and volunteer management and leadership, and how we can continue to build and develop healthy, inclusive effective brigades.

New Admin Officer: Caitlin Johncock
I'm thrilled to have been offered the position of Admin and Media Support Officer for the Association! I've known of the VFRS previously as my husband and other family members were volunteers with South Hedland VFRS before leaving for the big smoke. In my past life I was a nurse working in public hospitals around Perth so please bear with me as I learn the ropes. When I'm not working I'm chasing around after my kids and listening to audiobooks. I'll be in the office Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and supporting you in the important work that you do!
Annual General Meeting
Notice is given for the 2024 Annual General Meeting to be held 9.30am Sunday 8th September 2024.
A Few Notes:
Make sure you're following our Facebook account for the latest VFRSA WA News.
Download the VFRSA WA App for news, information and to purchase merchandise.
You can contact the Association office at or 0417 481 459.
Use this QR code to download the app.
