Southern Cross VFRS - State Firefighter Championships 2023
Competition Director Tony Dodd has prepared an information bulletin about the upcoming State Firefighter Championships.
Please read the information carefully as it is a new venue and circumstances have changed slightly from the Gilbert Fraser setup.
Also, please refer to the following map for the location of the new track.
The critical factor is to travel along Mandurah Road and to turn into Murdoch Drive, then left at the first roundabout into Bortolo Drive, then right at the next roundabout into Lowden Road.
Murdoch Drive is near the Mandurah Train and Bus Station.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me by email at tony.dodd@vfrs.asn.au
Tony Dodd
Executive Committee Member - South West Zone Representative
Volunteer Fire & Rescue Services Association WA (Inc)
Competition Director
VFRS Association Competition Management Committee
Secretary South West Zone