We expect at least one person comes to mind when you consider who would be deserving of an Australian Fire Service Medal or Emergency Service Medal.
We would like you to step up and consider submitting a nomination on their behalf.
Nominations for Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) and Emergency Service (ESM) awards can be submitted year-round, however as a Panel meeting is scheduled for June, they decided to make a further call for nominations.
The nominations are required to outline the significant or outstanding contribution the nominee has made to the community or organisation through:
Prolonged exposure to a hazard or demonstration of exceptional skills in one or more emergency incidents;
Significant deployments in emergency situations, and/or;
Implementation and facilitation of programs or innovations that directly supports and provides enduring benefit for frontline personnel.
How can the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services Association assist you?
With knowing there are a significant number of our members who we believe deserve AFSM and ESM awards, we would like to support you in submitting a nomination by proof reading your draft nomination and offering advice.
Top Tip!
It is great to give your personal opinion on the character of the nominee but you need to provide evidence as well to back your claims.
It can be overwhelming for one person to write the nomination on their own. Perhaps you could consider sitting down with your brigade and working as a team to brainstorm examples of the nominees outstanding moments and to put the nomination together?
If you would like support from us or have any questions about submitting a nomination, please contact us at media@vfrs.asn.au and our vice president, Trevor Jones, will be in touch with you very soon.
About the Australian Fire Service Medal Award
who is eligible
how it is awarded
medal design
what the medal is awarded for
how to prepare a nomination
how to submit a nomination and
where to go if you need assistance.
About the Emergency Service Medal Award
who is eligible
how it is awarded
medal design
what the medal is awarded for
how to prepare a nomination
how to submit a nomination and
where to go if you need assistance.
We look forward to seeing numerous Western Australia Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service members announced by the Governor-General on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in June and again in the Australia Day Honours List in January.