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2024 State Firefighter Championships - Change of Venue

South Kalgoorlie - State Firefighter Championships 2023

The 119th State Firefighter Championships will be held in Mandurah this Easter instead of at Gilbert Fraser Reserve, North Fremantle.

The Department of Fire & Emergency Services (DFES) planned works to upgrade the timing stand (stairways and cladding), and the water system at the Gilbert Fraser Reserve running track will not be completed by Easter.

The Competition Committee tried to delay the works until after Easter and suggested the pressure vessel is used again (as for the Junior State Championships).

Unfortunately, DFES have said that this is not possible due to the risk associated with the vessel (no one will certify the vessel), and particularly the outlet pipe from the base of the vessel to the manifold under the track which is corroded. The timing stand is having the asbestos cladding removed and work on this and the stairways has already commenced.


After meeting with DFES Commissioner Darren Klemm AFSM and Deputy Commissioner - Operations Craig Waters AFSM Operations on 2 February 2024, they followed up the request to delay the works and explained that we will need to hold the 2024 State Championships at an alternative location for this year.

DFES have agreed to provide additional assistance. After looking at possible locations, the associated pros and cons for each, and discussing the alternative locations with DFES, it has been decided that the 2024 State Senior Championships will be held at the new Mandurah running track. 


Some of the reasons for this are:

  • Brigades are able to use the current accommodation bookings that they have for Fremantle. Travel time from Fremantle / Perth is 45 to 60 minutes.

  • Obtaining accommodation at this stage in many locations will present difficulties to brigades given that Easter accommodation is usually booked out well ahead by people.

  • Transporting equipment down from Gilbert Fraser Reserve, trophies from Perth and hoses, batteries, generator, hose winders, etc. from DFES Stores in O'Connor will be much easier than many other possible locations. There are other reasons but I won't go into these now.


My apologies for the late notice but after the Junior State Championships discussions with DFES had indicated that the works would be completed.

The VFRS Association is still discussing a couple of points about the proposed water and pump system. The upgrade will mean that the track will need to be dug up. We want this to be replaced so that the surface is flat without any dips or rises so as not to create a safety issue for runners.

A further point is rather than rush the works it is better to do properly the first time. Not rushing will also allow the VFRS Association to keep regular checks and meet with the contractors to discuss issue that may arise.

An information pack will be sent out closer to Easter including details of the location.


If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me by email at

Tony Dodd

Executive Committee Member - South West Zone Representative

Volunteer Fire & Rescue Services Association WA (Inc)


Competition Director

VFRS Association Competition Management Committee


Secretary South West Zone


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