Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones - Vice President
Trevor was born in Moora, Western Australia and spent his childhood in the Manjimup area. After obtaining a degree in physics and his teaching qualifications, Trevor married his wife, Verna, in 1976 and shifted to Kalgoorlie in the same year, where he and Verna have lived since and raised their three children – Bryn, Kyla and Lyndon.
A year after moving to Kalgoorlie, Trevor joined the South Kalgoorlie Fire Brigade where he served as Apparatus Officer, Foreman and Captain. In particular, Trevor enjoyed the firefighting competitions, and the South Kalgoorlie Brigade was a very successful team.
Bored with teaching come 1985, Trevor tried out other jobs including bus and taxi driving, picture framing and driving instruction before deciding to upgrade his qualifications by becoming a mining engineer. After graduating Trevor worked for a variety of mines and worked his way to manager for the Government’s Mines Department and retired at the end of 2013.
In 2005 the Kalgoorlie VFRS was formed, and Trevor was elected as Secretary; a position he has held ever since. Trevor was also elected Goldfields Zone Member for the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services Association in 2000 and later became the Vice President; again, positions he has held ever since.
For many years, Trevor oversaw the competition aspect of the Association. “During that time, we made a lot of improvements into the safety aspect of this sport,” says Trevor.
Several years ago, he started backing out of the real ‘active’ side of VFRS due to health issues. “Kalgoorlie VFRS was well endowered with young people keen on that role, so there was no loss of effectiveness of the Brigade,” Trevor says.
“I enjoy the deployment aspect of Volunteer Fire Brigade more and more, and I still volunteer for that role when the situation arises. We have recently had some very busy years with bushfires in this region.”
Being retired, Trevor can put more time into the support side of his Brigade, including administration, station tidiness and making mementos to assist in building a Brigade culture.
“Volunteering is part of my make up. I also volunteer as SES member, as the local Men’s Shed Secretary, and Justice of the Peace. So very, very busy, even in retirement.”